Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My REALLY wierd restaurant inncident

I went to a restaurant and ordered beef caldereta.
When the order came the rice seemed to be less than what I usually eat then I ordered some more.
So, I told the waiter (The waiter's name was Bobby), "Bobby, Rice!"
I was pointing at the rice. Then he said "Yah, that is rice" then he walked away.
O__O after my friends and I were stunned for like 5 seconds they bursted out in laughter!!
I really didn't see at that time what was so funny...until now.
Since I really wanted rice I called another waiter, or waitress rather.
I raised my hand the when she was near enough I said (her name's Pat) "Pat, rice!"
Then she said "No thanks ma'am I'm watching the carbs"
O__O again they bursted out in laughter.
I didn't get my rice :(
oh well

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