I BORROWED a pirated dvd copy of war of the worlds from a friend of mine. i heard from people that it was a really bad movie, so i wanted to see for myself. the problem was i couldn't concentrate on the movie because of the subtitles.
Ray:It's OK...
(Subtitle: Do not fine, you is just fine.)
Rachel: Is Robby OK? Are you OK?
(Subtitle:Robby do not fine? You do not fine?)
Ray:You better be there when I get back!
(Subtitle:Better is you over there moment i return)
Ogilvy: They have been planning this for a million years.
(Subtitle:Have planned since millions of last year)
Ogilvy: take them by surprise.
(Subtitle:Give surprise them)
Ray: You gotta be quiet!
(Subtitle:You have to peace)
Soldier: Everybody down!
(Subtitle:Altogether bow!!)